Defense of Japan 2014 (doc)
Defense of Japan 2014
En este documento, aprobado ya por el primer ministro japonés Shinzo Abe, se manifiesta la preocupación del gobierno por China, que está tomando posiciones en los territorios en disputa en el Mar de la China Oriental y el Meridional.
VII/2015 Ministerio de Defensa de Japón
DEFENSE OF JAPAN 2014 >> E-BOOK version
These are presented in Adobe PDF files.
DigestPart I: Security Environment Surrounding JapanChapter 1 Defense Policies of Countries- Section 1 The United States
- Section 2 Korean Peninsula
- Section 3 China
- Section 4 Russia
- Section 5 Southeast Asia
- Section 6 South Asia
- Section 7 Australia
- Section 8 Europe
Chapter 2 Issues in the International Community- Section 1 Disputes in the Middle East and Africa and the Response from the International Community
- Section 2 Transfer and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Section 3 International Terrorism
- Section 4 Outer Space and Security
- Section 5 Trends Concerning Cyberspace
- Section 6 Trends Concerning Military Science and Technology as well as Defense Production and Technological Bases
Part II: Japan's Security and Defense PolicyChapter 1 The Basic Concepts of Japan's Security and Defense Policy- Section 1 Measures to Ensure Japan's Security
- Section 2 Constitution and the Basis of Defense Policy
- Section 3 Basic Policy for the Development of New Security Legislation
Chapter 2 Organizations Responsible for Japan's Security and Defense- Section 1 Establishment of National Security Council
- Section 2 Organization of the Ministry of Defense and the Self-Defense Forces
Chapter 3 National Security Strategy- Section 1 Japan's National Security Policy Framework
- Section 2 Outline of the National Security Strategy
Chapter 4 New National Defense Program Guidelines- Section 1 Features of the past NDPGs
- Section 2 Background to the New National Defense Program Guidelines
- Section 3 Details of the New National Defense Program Guidelines
Chapter 5 Building a Dynamic Joint Defense Force- Section 1 New Medium Term Defense Program
- Section 2 Dynamic Joint Defense Force Committee
- Section 3 Build-Up of Defense Capability in FY2014
- Section 4 Defense-Related Expenditures
Part III: Initiatives of Defense of JapanChapter 1 Initiatives to Protect the Lives and Property of the People and Secure the Territorial Land, Water and Airspace- Section 1 Efficient Deterrence and Response
- Section 2 Frameworks for Responses to Armed Attack Situations
Chapter 2 Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance- Section 1 Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements
- Section 2 Initiatives to Strengthen the Japan-U.S. Alliance
- Section 3 Stationing of the U.S. Forces in Japan
Chapter 3 Active Promotion of Security Cooperation- Section 1 Promoting Multilateral Security Cooperation and Dialogue in Areas Including the Asia-Pacific Region
- Section 2 Promotion of Defense Cooperation and Exchanges
- Section 3 Counter-piracy Operations
- Section 4 Efforts to Support International Peace Cooperation Activities
- Section 5 Initiatives for Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
Part IV: Bases to Demonstrate Defense CapabilitiesChapter 1 Measures on Defense Equipment, such as the Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology- Section 1 Defense Production and Technological Bases, and the Current Status of Defense Equipment Acquisition
- Section 2 Initiatives for Increasing the Efficiency of Procurement and Improving its Fairness and Transparency
- Section 3 Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology
- Section 4 Research and Development
- Section 5 Initiatives Aimed at Maintaining and Strengthening Defense Production and Technological Bases
Chapter 2 Relationship between the Japanese People and the Ministry of Defense and the SDF- Section 1 Human Foundation and Organization that Supports the Defense Force
- Section 2 Interaction between the Ministry of Defense and the SDF, and Local Communities and Japanese Citizens
- Section 3 Reform of the Ministry of Defense
Reference -
DEFENSE OF JAPAN: 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 >>