"Under The Dome" Documentary on China’s Pollution by Chai Jing

Resultat d'imatges de Part 1 of 8 "Under The Dome" Documentary on China's Pollution by Chai Jing (Best English Subtitles), 6'

Part 2 of 8 "Under The Dome" Documentary on China's Pollution by Chai Jing (Best English Subtitles), 16'

Part 3 of 8 "Under The Dome" Documentary on China's Pollution by Chai Jing (Best English Subtitles), 2'

Part 4 of 8 "Under The Dome" Documentary on China's Pollution by Chai Jing (Best English Subtitles), 14'

Part 5 of 8 "Under The Dome" Documentary on China's Pollution by Chai Jing (Best English Subtitles), 23'

Resultat d'imatges de

Part 6 of 8 "Under The Dome" Documentary on China's Pollution by Chai Jing (Best English Subtitles), 13'

Part 7 of 8 "Under The Dome" Documentary on China's Pollution by Chai Jing (Best English Subtitles), 16'

Part 8 of 8 "Under The Dome" Documentary on China's Pollution by Chai Jing (Best English Subtitles), 13'