Pakistan: Monitoring the Key Regional Powers.
Pakistan: Monitoring the Key Regional Powers. Report 4
Pak Institute for Peace Studies, Islamabad
Desembre 2014
Quarterly Monitoring Brief
Report Nº. 4. October 1 to December 16, 2014
The purpose of this series of quarterly monitoring reports (2014) is to monitor and track the actions as well as public statements of five key STAP RP regional actors (India, Iran, Russia, China, SaudiArabia) on Pakistan; the development of, and their participation in relevant international and regional discussion meetings, including the Istanbul Process, Heart of Asia, RECCA, SCO; the five key regionalactors’ economic decisions and agreements, including, but not limited to, the energy and infrastructure sectors, which have implications for the identified sources of tension in Pakistan with regionalimplications (see CIDOB STAP RP Mapping Document at
The Sources of Tension (SoTs) identified in the Mapping Document are used as reference points to determine relevance and are specifically monitored in Section 1.The content includes short summaries by topic and by country, on actions taken, public statements made, regional meetings held and how these develop as mechanisms for dialogue, and theparticipation of the key regional powers in relevant regional and international events, as well as in subgroups of international for a, such as the Heart of Asia. Economic activity and investments by thekey regional powers in Pakistan are also monitored, together with progress on, and shifting alliances in planned or actual economic projects. A short subsection on commentary from the media (in English)is included in each section.
Section 2 focuses on the key regional powers. Section 3 looks at regional dynamics and cross-cutting issues; and conclusions on the events of the past quarter are presented in Section 4. Section 5 presentspublications by think tanks and research institutions in the region.
The purpose of this series of quarterly monitoring reports (2014) is to monitor and track the actions aswell as public statements of five key STAP RP regional actors (India, Iran, Russia, China, SaudiArabia) on Pakistan; the development of, and their participation in relevant international and regionaldiscussion meetings, including the Istanbul Process, Heart of Asia, RECCA, SCO; the five key regionalactors’ economic decisions and agreements, including, but not limited to, the energy and infrastructuresectors, which have implications for the identified sources of tension in Pakistan with regionalimplications (see CIDOB STAP RP Mapping Document at
The Sources of Tension (SoTs) identified in the Mapping Document are used as reference points todetermine relevance and are specifically monitored in Section 1.The content includes short summaries by topic and by country, on actions taken, public statementsmade, regional meetings held and how these develop as mechanisms for dialogue, and theparticipation of the key regional powers in relevant regional and international events, as well as insubgroups of international for a, such as the Heart of Asia. Economic activity and investments by thekey regional powers in Pakistan are also monitored, together with progress on, and shifting alliancesin planned or actual economic projects. A short subsection on commentary from the media (in English)is included in each section.Section 2 focuses on the key regional powers. Section 3 looks at regional dynamics and cross-cuttingissues; and conclusions on the events of the past quarter are presented in Section 4. Section 5 presentspublications by think tanks and research institutions in the region.
Pak Institute for Peace Studies, Islamabad
Data de publicació: 12/2014
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