"Sources of Tension in Afghanistan & Pakistan:Iran", Emma Hooper & Roberto Toscano
Sources of Tension in Afghanistan & Pakistan: Perspectives from the Region in 2013 & 2014: 6. Iran

Perspectives nº. 6 October 2014
Under CIDOB’s “Sources of Tension in Afghanistan and Pakistan: RegionalPerspectives (STAP RP)” policy research project on the regional powers and their interests, this series is a product of field research visits to a number of the key regional powers identified in the 2012 Mapping Document http://www.cidobafpakproject.com/ by the STAP RP project team.
Understanding the perspectives of the five main regional powers (India,Iran, China, Russia and Saudi Arabia) with an interest in outcomes in Afghanistan and Pakistan is a critical element in relation to this volatile region, which is currently in a state of flux as 2014 approaches. Identification of opportunities for dialogue, peace building, improved bilateral relationships and the development of regional organisations as mechanisms for dialogue, as well as examining how the regional powers see Afghanistan and Pakistan from a broader geopolitical and foreign policy perspective are key elements in enhancing this understanding.
This report is a product of meetings in Tehran in October 2014. It is jointly authored by Emma Hooper and Roberto Toscano.
While many experts contributed to the findings presented, the final responsibility for the content is that of CIDOB alone.
Emma Hooper and Roberto Toscano, Associate Senior Researchers, CIDOB
Data de publicació: 10/2014
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