This original dossier, also prepared on the occasion of the publication of Aspenia 60, focuses on the Syrian conflict, its ramifications and the neighboring countries. Special analysis by Fred H... Read more ››
In the midst of such emotionally-charged rhetoric regarding Syrian affairs due to the ruthless murders taking place and an ever-growing death count, it is quite rare to come across an objective analys... Read more ››
Now that Syria is becoming the new cause célèbre of the European jihadist movement, there are growing concerns about the effect that the prolonged conflict there will have on the terrorist threat to E... Read more ››
Il 22 marzo, l’allora primo ministro libanese, Najib Mikati, ha presentato le sue dimissioni, facendo cadere un governo che da due anni faticava a governare il paese... Read more ››
Israele e i territori palestinesi sono stati oggetto di molta attenzione da parte dell’amministrazione Obama negli ultimi giorni, in cui si sono succedute in una settimana le visite del presidente e d... Read more ››