"Taiwan after the election”, ECFR
Dear friends, We are delighted to announce the publication of “China Analysis: Taiwan after the election”, the latest edition of China Analysis by the European Council on Foreign Relations and Asia Centre. In January Ma Ying-jeou was re-elected as Taiwan's President following an election campaign that was dominated by debates on Taiwan’s relationship with mainland China. But his re-election was by no means assured as Taiwan also faces multiple domestic challenges in the coming years: an ageing population, the loss of talent to other countries, insufficient economic growth and the island's inability to attract international investors are among the main concerns. However, many problems in Taiwan stem from its problematic relationship with neighbouring China. In his first term Ma Ying-cheou stabilised political cross-strait relations by improving trade relations and opening regular direct flights and shipping links. It is therefore expected that Ma Ying-cheou will further improve political and economic ties with China. ‘Taiwan after the election’, the latest edition of ‘China Analysis’, published by ECFR and Asia Centre explores the debates surrounding Taiwan’s relations with Beijing in the aftermath of the election:
Click here for a pdf copy of ‘China Analysis: Taiwan after the election’ You can also access previous editions of China Analysis, and find commentaries, blog posts and podcast interviews with ECFR's China experts, on the China Analysis section of our homepage. China Analysis is also published in French, and can be found on Asia Centre's website. We hope that you will find the paper interesting and stimulating. Comments can be addressed to the authors directly at chinaanalysis@centreasia.eu or to ECFR's China Programme at china@ecfr.eu Notes for editors:
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