Ron Paul Institute

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Here comes another legendary conference!

Here it is!
The 2024 RPI Washington Conference!

Dear Friends:

We are just over two weeks away from our eighth Ron Paul Institute Washington Conference. We originally planned in 2016 to take the show on the road to DC because that was the center of the war machine. We wanted to make our statement on their front doorstep - both a conference and a demonstration at the same time - and I still believe it is the right thing to do. We must be seen!

Our DC conference in particular is where we - all of us - re-charge our batteries with the renewed realization that we are not alone. That the Ron Paul Movement is far from over, but in fact continues to grow and thrive!

Last year I asked our audience in DC how many were attending a Ron Paul Institute conference for the first time and I would estimate 40 percent of the audience raised their hands! That despite the coming and going of the Ron Paul campaigns and even the "Tea Party" movement more than a decade ago.

Here's a fact: Ours is a growing movement - and it grows larger each time the uniparty in DC takes us further down the road to war and poverty. We are all about Peace and Prosperity! The more they fail, the more we grow. But we MUST connect with each other!

When we connect we encourage each other. That is how you grow a movement. 
Everyone needs encouragement. Even Ron Paul.

So here is our line-up for this year - MAN is it solid!
This is EVERY aspect of the Liberty Platform that we are presenting America. Free speech, food freedom, medical freedom, non-interventionism. The whole enchilada!

The only think missing is you.

Please get your tickets right away! As I said on today's Liberty Report, the cost of attending this great event is not much higher than a decent lunch in DC - yet we will deliver nine of the most consequential thinkers and speakers of our movement...and you will still get a decent lunch! And refreshments throughout the day!

And don't forget the great opportunity to interact and network with hundreds of pro-peace, pro-liberty, and pro-prosperity people from the US and around the world!

This is the best way of demonstrating your support for peace and prosperity even as the two major parties are promising more of the same. You like politics? Show up and be counted regardless of which party you support. And maybe CSPAN will return this year as they have several times in the past to broadcast our event to MILLIONS!

See you there, and thank you for everything.

Sincerely yours,

Daniel McAdams
Executive Director
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
Copyright © 2024 The Ron Paul Institute, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
833 W. Plantation Dr., Clute, TX 77531


Resultado de imagen de ron paul institute for peace and prosperity   Resultado de imagen de ron paul institute for peace and prosperity   Resultado de imagen de ron paul institute for peace and prosperityThe Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is a project of Dr. Paul’s Foundation for Rational Economics and Education (F.R.E.E.), founded in the 1970s as an educational organization. The Institute continues and expands Dr. Paul’s lifetime of public advocacy for a peaceful foreign policy and the protection of civil liberties at home.