els lliberals andorrans davant les properes eleccions

Andorran Liberals are ready for the parliamentary elections

22/01/2015, alde

Last week, ALDE Party member Partit Liberal d’Andorra, presented its candidates for the next national elections. The party's new leader, Josep Pintat Forné, a former liberal mayor of the city of Sant Julià accepted the nomination by Jordi Gallardo, the PLA party president to be the liberal candidate for the presidency of Andorra.

Jordi Gallardo, and party secretary general Ferran Costa will join him on the national list of candidates. Moreover, Judith Pallarés, the party's international officer, will be one of the liberal women that will run for a seat in the parliament, from one of the electoral districts.

Civil society in Andorra showed its support to the renovated liberal project, as more than 230 people attended the party congress and subscribed to the party's election manifesto.

"Andorra is at an important crossroad in domestic and international politics and a strong liberal party will guarantee sound policies, grounded in the realities of a small European nation. I am very happy with our choice of candidates," said PLA Vice President and Liberal International President Juli Minoves.

Election facts: In every general election, the Andorran citizens choose their 28 representatives in the 'Consell General', or parliament. Half of those are elected proportionally according to the results of the nationwide lists. The other 14 are chosen through the vote in the "'Parròquies', the seven administrative territories into which our country is divided. The party which gets the majority vote in those territories gets the two representative. The 28 representatives, the 'Consellers Generals' will be elected on 1 March. Soon after that they will choose in a plenary session the President of the country, our 'Cap de Govern', who will be four years in office.