>> 20 llibres sobre Gorbatchov <<
Per a entendre el llegat de Mijaíl Gorbachov, el seu món i el seu context, hem seleccionat aquests 20 llibres de referència -des de biografies fins a estudis sociològics-.
*What Is at Stake Now: My Appeal for Peace and Freedom*, Mijaíl Gorbachov
*Perestroika*, Mijail Gorbachov
*The Cold War: A World History*, Odd Arne Westad
*Russian Crossroads. Toward the New Millennium*, Yevgeny Primakov
*The Collapse of the Soviet Military*, William E. Odom
*Unwanted Visionaries: The Soviet Failure in Asia at the End of the Cold War*, Sergey Radchenko
*El fin del “Homo Sovieticus*, Svetlana Aleksievitch
*L’année où le monde a basculé*, Pierre Grosser
*Gorbachev and Yeltsin as Leaders*, George W. Breslauer
*Les Russes d’en bas. Enquête sur la Russie post-communiste*, Berelowitch y Wieviorka
*Les hommes de Gorbatchev. Influences et réseaux (1956-1992)*, Sophie Momzikoff-Markoff
*Gorbatchev*, Taline Ter Minassian
*Gorbatschow, Der Weltveränderer*, Ignaz Lozo
*Entre le passé et l’avenir: l’homme soviétique ordinaire*, Youri Levada
*Seven Years that Changed the World. Perestroika in Perspective*, Archie Brown
*The Triumph of Broken Promises The End of the Cold War and the Rise of Neoliberalism*, Fritz Bartel
*The Human Factor: Gorbachev, Reagan, and Thatcher and the End of the Cold War*, Archie Brown
*The Gorbachev Factor*, Archie Brown
*Collapse. The Fall of the Soviet Union* Vladislav M. Zubok
*Gorbachov. Vida y época*, William Taubman