Bòsnia, el cadàver de Dayton
• Bosnia as a warning to the world. |
Though long at peace, the Bosnian city of Mostar has two of everything: fire brigades, garbage collection companies, hospitals, nightclubs and soccer teams. The city’s two main ethnic groups, Muslim Bosniaks and Catholic Croats, rarely interact. Above, tourists at a Franciscan monastery there. |
These persistent ethnonationalist fissures are paralyzing the country at large, which has been run by three elected presidents — one each for Bosnian Serbs, Croats and Muslims — since the 1995 agreement that halted Europe’s worst conflict since World War II. |
As Europe and the U.S. struggle with the rise of ethnic nationalism, Bosnia’s divisions offer a dark lesson in how communities can stay splintered long after many people have forgotten what it was that pushed them apart. |
“You are looking at your own future here,” a scholar in Bosnia told us. |
don’t forget Srebrenica (8372...)
Rússia obre embaixada a Banja-Luka
Dayton mai ha estat progrés sinó condemna
11-VII, 27 anniversari genocidi d’Srebrenica
Croàcia : el president vol bloquejar l’adhesió a l’OTAN de Suècia et de Finlàndia
Londres sanciona el líder serbobosnià Dodik
secession threats and nationalist strife shock Bosnia as EU offers limited response
Milorad Dodik, el nou Gavrilo Princip?
Banja Luka
d’aquells Daytons, aquestes guerres
Putin activa l’Eix del Vardar (Grècia-Sèrbia-Rússia)
1914, Sarajevo; 2022, Banja Luka?
primer pas del pla unilateral de “recuperació de competències” de la República Srpska
Dayton endarrereix la desaparició de Bòsnia
inevitable secessió de la República Srpska?
Banja Luka & Belgrad, segona Diada de la Unitat Sèrbia